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I am interested in the following topics:

(1) Tests of quantum gravity in a table-top experiment, See my ideas on "Spin entanglement witness for quantum gravity."

(2) Resolution of cosmological and black hole singularities, non-local, ghost-free infinite derivative gravity,

(3) Early universe cosmology, inflation, preheating/reheating, embedding inflation within particle and string theory, 

(4) Primordial gravitational waves, cosmological sources,

(5) The common origin behind dark matter & baryogenesis, beyond the Standard Model, SUSY, MSSM flat Directions, Q-balls, topological and non-topological solitons,

(6) Primordial magnetic field and its generations,

(7) Cosmobiology & habitability or habitable zones in the Universe. 

If you wish to do PhD at Van Swinderen Institute on Inflationary Cosmology, Beyond the Standard Model Physics, Supersymmetric Cosmology, Dark Matter & Baryogenesis, Primordial Gravitational Waves, Asymptotically Free Quantum Gravity and its connection to String field theory, Resolution of Big Bang Cosmological singularity & Blackhole Singularity problems, contact me for further information:

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